Almond oil for healthy, shiny hair

دكتور حب28 أغسطس 2020152 مشاهدةآخر تحديث :
Almond oil for healthy, shiny hair

Almond oil for healthy, shiny hair

Almond oil is one of the most beneficial types of natural oils for hair, as it contains many nourishing and moisturizing properties that protect hair from split ends and fall and maintains its shine and freshness.

Benefits of almond oil

1- Almond oil contains a high percentage of magnesium, which helps prevent hair loss and promotes its growth.

2- Almond oil contains a high percentage of proteins and vitamins A, B, and E which nourish the hair from the roots and increase its shine.

3- Almond oil contains the omega amino acid that protects hair from UV rays.

4- Almond oil contains natural antiseptic and anti-bacterial ingredients and thus it protects the scalp from skin infections and irritations that may affect it as a result of several factors.

Almond oil and olive oil to get rid of the problem of split ends

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